Saturday, January 10, 2015


As I was organizing Primary assignments for this Sunday, Jimmy came over to me and looked through my binder. He found the new Sharing Time manual and exclaimed, "That's Jesus!" He was pointing out the picture that depicts Christ's baptism. 

I asked him what was happening in the picture. He said with such excitement, "He's getting baptized! I'M gonna get baptized!" It was the sweetest and most heartfelt declaration. 

I felt so impressed in that moment to tell Jimmy something. I said, "You're right! And you know who else is going to get baptized?! Daddy!"

Jimmy whispered back, "Yeah!" His expression was that of, "Really?! Wow. Yeah that's cool."

I told Simon about the conversation this morning before he left for work. Simon had just uttered a very sincere prayer. As we knelt and he poured his heart into talking with Heavenly Father and expressed his hope and desire to once again hold membership in the church, I felt he needed to hear what Jimmy had said. 

So I told him. And Simon's eyes filled with tears. 

I never imagined that I would get to see my husband be baptized. Or that my children would see their father be baptized as a grown man. But how incredible. 

Jimmy will--hopefully in a year or so--see his daddy enter the waters of baptism. He will see firsthand the cleansing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He will see his daddy living the gospel and accepting Jesus Christ. 

THAT is a powerful example. Being baptized again holds no embarrassment for me. It is truly a gift. It is amazing. And I saw that hope in Simon's eyes. 


  1. What a beautiful way to look at it…through the eyes of a child!

  2. Yes Yes yes! It is nothing to be ashamed of but to celebrate! It is the Atonement at it's finest. My husband is a few days away from his concluding council and hopefully just a few days away from re-baptism. We are nervous but so anxious! Hang in there! The year goes fast!
