Wednesday, December 3, 2014

i'm a runner now

Three things: 1. It's STILL raining. A major Southern California miracle.  2. I STILL love it. I think I should move to the Northwest.  3. I'm a runner now. . . Eh, well, not really. 

What I mean is that I actually got out of bed at 6am, put on a sports bra and my blue leopard Nikes and ran/walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes. I'm awesome! All you insane marathon runners out there keep your snickering to yourselves. Because, really I'm awesome. To put this into perspective just imagine Junior High AnneGirl being begged by her PE teacher to just try and run. 

"You've got to get 10 minutes or under for your mile," she tried to persuade me. "You can do that!"

Running just didn't motivate me. Never ever. Basketball? You bet! Volleyball? Of course! Dancing? Please! Track and Field? Heck to the No. I walked that mile, maybe ran the last few yards and got a 10 minute mile. Success, right?

So when I walked/ran for 10 minutes this morning, while watching Octonauts with the my oldest. I wished I could've given my Junior High PE teacher a high five. Cuz it's been a long time coming. Who knew I would suddenly become this awesome runner at the age of 28?! Like I said, I'm awesome.

Like really, all jokes aside, I'm totally proud of myself.

Now off to Family Counseling. Blah.

AnneGirl--The Runner


  1. I became at a runner in my late 20s as well. Now that I hit 40 though things are starting to ache in my joints! sometimes when life is super hard that day, I slam the door on my life and run so hard I can hardly walk that night. I need to be nicer to my middle-aged joints. :) I grew up in Southern Cal and miss it every day. I live in Utah where the winters are not as nice!

  2. Yoga is more manageable for me lately! Less running haha
