Friday, December 12, 2014

My Dear WOPA Sisters,

I wish it was General Conference time again. I almost ache for it. I ache to hear words, given in the moment, personally for me and my situation as a wife of a porn addict. 

The Brethren, and most importantly The Lord, know of our struggles. It is so comforting. But how many times have I heard them preach and counsel from the pulpit on the "pernicious plague of pornography"? Dozens? Hundreds? 

And I'd sit there and think, yeah that stuff is scary! How am I going to protect my children from it? Never did I realize that plague was secretly seeping through the walls of my home and polluting the purity of my husband, and your husbands, in every way. It destroys spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally. It brings spiritual death. It is a plague. 

It was effecting me and my children already and I didn't even know it. Yes. It is absolutely terrifying!

I've said this before, I had no idea this world existed. I had no idea the destruction this plague left in it's wake. I read your stories and I am just baffled, just baffled!, at how I could have been so blind and deaf to the suffering of so many of my fellow sisters. Dear sisters, how could I not know of your pain!? 

Mercifully, The Brethren know it. The Lord Jesus Christ knows it. And now I know it. I am amazed at all of you. You are remarkable. Your strength is unbelievable. Your faith is unshakeable. Your pain is my pain. 

This experience has taught me true empathy and given me a renewed sense of purpose to not just avoid sin but proactively rid it from every facet of my life be it almost insignificant. I feel like I've been awakened from a deep sleep and I see the evil in the world that I previously naively dismissed. 

No longer will I let it seep in through the walls of my home, nor come through the door, or through the internet or tv. It takes serious work and vigilance in this day and  digital age, but it is worth it. It is imperative! 

We've got three and a half months til next general conference. It can't come soon enough. I'm already starting to pray that the speakers, the apostles and the prophet might know of our situations through the whisperings of the Spirit and give us that personal message and revelation that we all so desperately seek after. Won't you please pray for that with me? 

Meanwhile, I pour over the scriptures and past general conference talks and your blogs to find inspiration and hope. 

Dear sisters, I love your words. Thank you for strengthening me. 



  1. "I feel like I've been awakened from a deep sleep and I see the evil in the world that I previously naively dismissed." Yup and yup! I will never be naive to the effects of sin again, though these are not my sins, and like you I never want to dismiss to dismiss it again, I too am awake to it.

    I love your idea of starting to pray NOW for general conference speakers. I am going to do that because this is indeed the plague of our time, it will affect every single family in the church, every one, in a small or large way, it will.

  2. Yes. I so want people to recognize how this will touch them in some way. We cannot afford to not be prepared.
